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“Research is to see what everybody else has seen and to think what nobody else has thought.” - Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

It is with immense pleasure that this University introduces “Lexcellence” – our very own student-established E-Journal of School of Excellence in Law, Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University (TNDALU), Chennai. It is an extreme pride to see the students of this University taking up such unique initiatives, promoting legal research and dispensing quality knowledge through a medium that is easily accessible to all. This provides a platform for all students, academicians, legal practitioners, scholars and other eminent personalities of the legal fraternity, to showcase and pen down a piece of their minds by way of writing articles, case comments, book reviews and papers. Having established an editorial team of students, supported by a highly distinguished advisory committee, the articles submitted to the journal are subjected to a double-blind peer review. Selected by the students themselves, with guidance and support provided by the faculties, this journal is setting an example of a finer caliber of fresh legal research that is preferred by the readers these days. There will be a lot more promising works of paramount quality compiled together, presented at regular intervals through this online platform. This is yet another unique characteristic of this journal – to make knowledge easily and freely accessible to everyone. ii Since the journal is open to receiving submissions from law students all over the country, I am sure that every upcoming issue will be a pleasant and informative read because of the journal’s acceptance of papers throughout India. So the topics covered in every issue will be from various branches of law that are not tapped into very often by the legal fraternity. The process by which these articles are reviewed is of supreme importance at all costs and it is good to see students working and spending time contributing towards the betterment of legal research as a whole. The students and the faculty members who are a part of the Lexcellence team have been working for the past few months in making this first issue a success. It is noteworthy and highly commendable that the journal is accessible online. Students have ensured that the quality of this issue is at its very best by spending time curating, reviewing and editing the format of it. And finally, they have done a magnificent job in successfully releasing their first issue. I congratulate the students actively involved in this journal and the faculty members providing their constant support in bringing the dream that was Lexcellence, into reality. The team has been working extremely hard for their review process and have finally selected a number of submissions that have been compiled together and presented to you, fellow readers. I hope the first issue lives up to all your expectations and I wish all the very best to the team in their upcoming endeavours. Prof. (Dr) N. S. Santhosh Kumar Vice Chancellor

The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University, Chennai

Editor's Note

“Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army” – Edward Everett Education and knowledge are the bridge between any...


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